#WFH Wins: 7 Must-Haves For Your Work From Home Setup

More and more people are making the shift to working from home. But creating the perfect home office is challenging.
Your home space is filled with more distractions than your office space. Your sofa isn’t built to be a work zone. But with the right tools, you can build a work from home setup that can maximize your productivity in no time.
These following seven items are must-haves to help you crush your WFH goals.
1. Standing Desk Converter
One way to make your home office feel less restrictive is by giving yourself more options. A standing desk converter lets you easily go from working sitting down to working standing up. This flexibility will help make you more productive.
Some standing desk converters are portable, allowing you to change locations around the house. Being able to take it with you will give you the flexibility that a work from home setup should have.
2. WFH Must: Good Pens
Any awesome WFH setup must have good pens. The last thing you want is to have a work breakthrough and not be able to write it down.
Invest in some good writing utensils, and a cup to hold them in.
3. You Need a Lamp
Make sure your desk is equipped with a good lamp. If there are no windows in your workspace, consider a seasonal affective disorder (SAD) lamp. This will help offset the effects of not getting enough daylight.
A bright lamp behind your computer is also a great idea if you frequently engage in video conferences. A lamp behind the computer will illuminate your features, whereas a lamp in front of the computer will make you hard to see.
4. Get a Comfy Foot Rug
You probably never take off your shoes at the office. But you aren’t at the office anymore.
In your own home, you can be barefoot whenever you want. But that means that you need a foot rug for under your desk.
A carpet square beneath your feet is an essential part of a good work from home setup. The texture of the rug will stimulate your brain, which is great for long work days.
5. Noise Canceling Headphones
If you just started working from home, now is the time to invest in a nice headset. Noise canceling headphones can save the day if you have to share your workspace with your kids, spouse, or roommates.
Plus, they make all the difference if you freqeuntly participate in video conference calls. Make sure that you can hear exactly what’s going on during your work meetings with noise canceling headphones.
6. Plants
Have you ever noticed how every office building has plants? There’s a reason for that. Plants bring life into indoor spaces and keep the air from getting too stale.
Consider getting a few nice houseplants to put on or near your desk. For a list of recommended houseplants for beginners, click here.
7. Candles/Scent Diffusers
A great way to create a calming workspace is by lighting a nice candle or buying a scent diffuser. Hint: buy a new scent specifically for your work room. This way, your brain will start to recognize the scent as an indicator that it’s time for work.
The Perfect Work From Home Setup
If working from home is new to you, that’s okay. Achieving an amazing work from home setup isn’t hard as long as you know how to create it. For other advice on how to achieve your WFH goals, check out our “Work From Home” section.